Natac is focused on integrating ethics and transparency in its corporate management. We are committed to the creation of value that is shared by society at large and our stakeholders.

The commitment undertaken by the company’s management to quality and the environment has been set forth in the Quality and Food Safety policy documents, as well as in the Environmental Policy, which were posted on 2021.

In this section, you will find our code of conduct, which will set out the company’s code of ethics governing the behaviour of all Natac employees and the code of conduct for our suppliers, urging them to make a commitment to us on aspects concerning social responsibility and the environment, thereby aligning our entire supply chain with our values and commitment to people and the planet.

Since 2023, Natac has committed to the corporate responsibility initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.


As a company based on science, our commitment to sustainability would not be fulfilled without a process for gathering and analysing data about the impact of our work.

That’s why we developed an annual Sustainability Report. In adherence with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) standards, we describe each of the areas of focus of our sustainability strategy, presenting the accomplishments made, as well as the goals established for the following year.


This website is not aimed at consumers.

The information is accessible in several countries and can include statements or product classifications not applicable in your country. The claims mentioned refer only to ingredients and, therefore, do not refer to finished products.